Runglish Vocabulary

Russian English Vocabulary


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What is Runglish

Runglish Pronunciation

Runglish Vocabulary

Runglish Grammar

Runglish Syntax

Runglish Spelling

Runglish Punctuation





1. Runglish vocabulary derived from Russian

1.1 Common words

1.2 Cuisine words

1.3 Political, administrative words

1.4 Religious words

1.5 Technical words

1.6 Various words

2. Runglish vocabulary derived from English





Runglish Vocabulary

Russian English Vocabulary

Derived from Russian


Strictly speaking, this is the list of English words possibly borrowed from Russian. Not all of them are of truly Russian or Slavic origin. Some of them co-exist in other Slavic languages and it is difficult to decide whether they entered English from Russian or, say, from Polish, most notable of these being vodka. Some others are borrowed or constructed from classical ancient languages, such as Latin or Greek, still others are borrowed from indigenous peoples of the Russian Empire.

Most of them are used to denote things and notions specific to Russia, Russian culture, politics, history, especially well-known outside Russia: vodka, intelligentsia, taiga, tundra, pogrom. Possibly some others are in the mainstream usage, independent of Russian context.




·                     babushka

·                     balaclava

·                     balalaika

·                     cosmonaut

·                     Cossack

·                     Gulag

·                     intelligentsia

·                     Kazakh

·                     knout

·                     kopek (kopeck, copeck)

·                     Kremlin

·                     mammoth

·                     matryoshka

·                     pogrom

·                     Brit rouble, US ruble

·                     samovar

·                     sputnik

·                     steppe

·                     taiga

·                     Troika (triumvirate)

·                     Troika (dance)

·                     troika (sled)

·                     tundra

·                     vodka




·                     babka, a kind of cake

·                     blin, also Yiddish blintz, pancake

·                     borsch

·                     kasha, buckwheat groats, Russian for porridge

·                     kephir (kefir)

·                     kumis (kumys)

·                     kvass (kvas)

·                     pirogi, also Polish pierogi (plural), dumplings or pies

·                     pirozhki (piroshki), small pirogi

·                     shashlik

·                     sirniki

·                     vareniki


Political, Administrative


·                     agitprop

·                     apparatchik

·                     Bolshevik

·                     boyar

·                     Cheka

·                     commissar

·                     DOSAAF

·                     Duma

·                     dvoryanstvo, dvoryanin

·                     FSB

·                     glasnost

·                     guberniya

·                     Kadet

·                     KGB

·                     kniaz

·                     kolkhoz

·                     kulak

·                     krai

·                     Leninism

·                     MGB

·                     Menshevik

·                     mir

·                     MVD

·                     N'et - as in Mr. N'ET (Mr. Gromyko was known as Mr. N'ET)

·                     NEP

·                     NKVD

·                     nomenklatura

·                     obshchina

·                     oblast

·                     okhranka

·                     okrug

·                     oprichnina

·                     oprichnik

·                     perestroika

·                     pyatiletka

·                     Politburo

·                     propiska

·                     rayon

·                     siloviki

·                     Smersh

·                     soviet

·                     sovkhoz

·                     Sovmin

·                     Sovnarkhoz

·                     Sovnarkom

·                     stakhanovite

·                     stalinism

·                     Stavka

·                     tsar, tsardom, tsaritsa, tsarevna, tsarevich, tsesarevich

·                     ukase

·                     Yevsektsiya

·                     zampolit

·                     zemshchina

·                     Zemsky Sobor

·                     zemstvo




·                     Doukhobor

·                     Chlysty

·                     Lippovan, Lipovan, Lipovans

·                     Molokan

·                     Raskol

·                     Raskolnik

·                     skoptzy




·                           Tokamak




·                           BAM

·                           Belomorkanal (canal) and Belomorkanal (cigarettes)

·                           banya

·                           bylina

·                           chainik

·                           chastushka

·                           chernozem

·                           dacha

·                           katorga

·                           Lysenkoism

·                           palochka

·                           Pravda

·                           samizdat

·                           sharashka

·                           Spetsnaz

·                           tatary

·                           titlo

·                           yaranga

·                           yurodivy

·                           Some Russian letters:

o                    ya

o                    yat

o                    yer


Runglish Vocabulary

Russian English Vocabulary

Derived from English


English Runglish

Abortion Abort

African American Negro

Arse Ass (American preference)

Astronaut Cosmonaut

Brown bread Black bread

Building House

By means of With the help of

Chancellor Rector

Class, period, lecture, etc Lesson

Committee Commission

Condom Preservative

Conference Conferension

Correct Right

Cousin Brother/sister

Dad(dy) Father

Dinner Supper

Distinctive Specific

Father Christmas Grandfather Frost

Ground floor First floor

(Female) friend Girlfriend

(Male) friend Boyfriend

Handsome Beautiful

Hard Hardly

Issue (of a magazine) Number

(The) latest Last

Lecturer, professor, reader etc Teacher

Lunch Dinner

Mum(my), Mom(my) Mother

New Fresh

Particular Concrete

Police (in Russia) Militia

Saunta Claus Grandfather Frost

Street Road

To convey To express

To damage To injure

To die To be dead

To do sport To go in for sport

To leave something (at home) To forget something (at home)

To lock To close

To shut To close

To tell somebody To say to somebody

Town City

Underground Metro

Violation Breaking

Would like To want





Runglish Vocabulary

Russian English Vocabulary





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